
Heavy Duty Electric Pencil Sharpener for 7-12mm diameter


Product Code: 708-AR00627

This powerful heavy-duty sharpener powered by mains electricity, it also has added safety feature.

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£128.51 ex VAT

Swash Heavy Duty Electric Pencil Sharpener for 7-12mm Diam

This powerful heavy-duty sharpener powered by mains electricity, it also has added safety feature.

  • Features: fingerguard for child safety, auto-start/stop mechanism and a safety switch that cuts power when shaving tray is removed.

  • Auto-start and auto stop feature. Safety switch cut power when shavings tray is removed. Auto thermal cut-out to prevent overheating. Suitable to use with a wide range of pencil types (including triangular and jumbo) between 7 - 12 mm.

Product Information

  • Age Range:

    Suitable for age 5 years and up

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